
As a manager, the Tasks page will look slightly different.

Some suites may appear for you with the 'View Tasks' button disabled. This is because you created the suite, but aren't assigned any tasks.

By tapping on the pencil button on a suite, you can edit the suite. Editing a suite will remove it from view for all users until you publish it again. Similar to editing a Form Template, a dialog will appear confirming that you'd like to edit the suite.

By tapping on the red archive button on a suite, you can archive the suite. Archiving a suite will remove it from view for all users. Suites can be unarchived using the archive button in the top left.

To create a new suite, tap the plus button in the top right. This will open the suite creator. Editing a suite opens the suite editor.

Read more about the form suite creator here.

Last updated